Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My own art works

One of my works from the nature portfolio we had to complete in year 11. I etched the outline of a tree into a thin sheet of plastic and then printed it onto paper with varying degrees of ink and pressure. Then cut the images up and then created a collage image.

A microscopic image of a flower. Done with different types of charcol, another in the nature portfolio.

Again a microscopic image of a flower, however now done in acrylic paints. The focus was on blending colours and trying to harmonise contrasting colours. I worked mostly in cool colours such as blue and purple but highlighted it with sparing use of warm reds and bright yellows.

While focusing on the images of hands and feet I chose to do cartoons because it was of particular interest to me. I worked towards seemless smooth lines with differing amounts of thickness. This was part of a collection of many different typed of cartoon hands and of course belongs to the one and only Bugs Bunny.

Another in the hand series, this time of a personal favorite, Bart Simpson. The focus of this was on clean lines and keeping the shape.

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